
Showing posts from January, 2021

Thermostat or Thermometer

 1. In Model the Way, we are told to find our values and live by them and to help others find their values and live by them. In the text, we are told to be a thermostat, to be someone who has values that guide them. The text strongly relates to modeling the way as as leaders, we must work to identify our own personal values, or what "temperature" we want to be, for a metaphor. As leaders in the making, we should work to identify our core values and state those and let them guide our decisions. 2. There is a gap between what we say and what we do because people, as the text stated, follow the mood of the culture or society they are in. If a person holds a belief that religion is important, but are surrounded by those who believe religion is pointless, they are likely to want to fit in and thus are tempted to throw their value aside. As a leader, you should avoid being a hypocrite, because if you switch your values based on those around you, you are being someone who follows, n

Blog - A Picture is Worth 15 Answers

  Hey guys! Here is the link to my presentation for our first EL blog! Blog #1