Thermostat or Thermometer

 1. In Model the Way, we are told to find our values and live by them and to help others find their values and live by them. In the text, we are told to be a thermostat, to be someone who has values that guide them. The text strongly relates to modeling the way as as leaders, we must work to identify our own personal values, or what "temperature" we want to be, for a metaphor. As leaders in the making, we should work to identify our core values and state those and let them guide our decisions.

2. There is a gap between what we say and what we do because people, as the text stated, follow the mood of the culture or society they are in. If a person holds a belief that religion is important, but are surrounded by those who believe religion is pointless, they are likely to want to fit in and thus are tempted to throw their value aside. As a leader, you should avoid being a hypocrite, because if you switch your values based on those around you, you are being someone who follows, not one who leads and sets an example.

3. It takes determination, persistence, and bravery in order to follow a set of values. You need to be able to put aside the fear of what people may think of you and continuously follow your values, no matter the culture circumstances, that's what makes a leader.

4. When I was in an organization with a thermometer, the organization was quiet, there was not much activity or encouragement behind the organization. The leader went by the crowd, and the crowd was quiet as the leader hadn't set any proper tone or mood, and just looked for a leader. In essence, they were unsuccessful. 

5. I have tried to be a thermostat in classes, such as discussing often and trying to open myself up to allow others to feel comfortable to share their thoughts. I try to do this to encourage individualism, to hopefully encourage others to want to share their ideas and become more vulnerable but before, as being vulnerable is important, being too guarded is just as harmful as being too vulnerable, there is an importance in moderation.


  1. I like how you bring up how people follow the mood of culture/society. I also like how you talk about bravery and the need of it to follow a set of values.

    Did you have any personal values in that organization?
    I also really like how you include individualism. I also think this is really important to stay unique!

    1. There were no values in the organization I was previously in, no, it was just a get together but no one had a mood to follow so there wasn't really much enthusiasm or bonding made.

  2. I really like how you related to clearly to the text and included a lot of context while explaining the difference between a thermostat and a thermometer.
    Also, I like how you stated that it takes "determination, persistence and bravery" to stay in touch with and keep following your values.

    1. Thank you, and I do firmly believe that! There are many people who will break away from values out of convenience, so it does take so much effort and a mind of steel to stick with those values you choose.


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