Opportunity Statue
1. For me, when I have nothing scheduled to do that I'm obligated to do, it is extremely difficult for me to get out of bed and start my day, so a lot of my time wasted can be contributed to lack of motivation and the comfort of my bed. Even despite when I have stuff to do, I get off track when I have to do an assignment I do not particularly enjoy, and so really it comes down to a lack of motivation overall. 2. I personally missed an opportunity to go to Chicago because of personal circumstances where I had a situation where I needed a permission form signed, but I was not able to get a signature in time to get a spot for the trip. I felt extremely bummed out about it and felt I could've gained huge insight to both the travel aspect and the conference I would have attended. In the future, I of course do not need any permission slips now so I will be set when it comes to needing permission to go on trips, however now I also am working on pursuing professors who are in the spec...