Opportunity Statue

 1. For me, when I have nothing scheduled to do that I'm obligated to do, it is extremely difficult for me to get out of bed and start my day, so a lot of my time wasted can be contributed to lack of motivation and the comfort of my bed. Even despite when I have stuff to do, I get off track when I have to do an assignment I do not particularly enjoy, and so really it comes down to a lack of motivation overall.

2. I personally missed an opportunity to go to Chicago because of personal circumstances where I had a situation where I needed a permission form signed, but I was not able to get a signature in time to get a spot for the trip. I felt extremely bummed out about it and felt I could've gained huge insight to both the travel aspect and the conference I would have attended. In the future, I of course do not need any permission slips now so I will be set when it comes to needing permission to go on trips, however now I also am working on pursuing professors who are in the specific field I wish to go into and am pursuing possible ways to travel and hear from different people.

3. I feel most of us waste our time because we take it for granted. We are given a lot of time, some of us at least, and we feel we have such a surplus that we live in the moment, we do what we need in the moment, which is a good thing, but it can also lead to us overindulging in our desires and having us miss out on time we could be using to improve or better ourselves. I feel time is less valued as, again as I stated, we think "we have plenty of time," and push things we need done back to avoid handling them immediately.

4. For me, I keep up my assignments and try and form relationships with my professors and those who can be looked at like a mentor for me. However, I also do fall short when it comes to searching for opportunities as it can be a bit out of my comfort zone so it does take pushing myself to fully push that initiative. For holding myself accountable, I try and inform my friends and those who advise and act as a mentor to me to hold me accountable for the things I do. Also, on a personal level, I have extremely high standards for myself and the goals I am meeting for who I want to be, so I find myself also holding myself accountable.

5. My top priorities are keeping my mental health in check, for school, its doing the best I absolutely can and pushing my limits, and my priorities for myself are basically to continuously self analyze and try to improve myself a step each day, and while I'm not able to each day, I try and make that effort and make sure I analyze and see what I should do differently in the future if my present self failed in some way, shape, or form.


  1. Hi Sierra,

    Mental health is very important. I have found that therapy, medicine, and distractions work best with me. Make sure you have a strong support system and remember that it's ok to ask for help. Especially with mental illnesses, finding motivation is hard. You could try scheduling out your day and have something that's worth getting up for. This can be as simple as loving your pet, or doodling something. Find pleasure in the little things, then there will be no time wasted.

  2. Motivation is always pretty difficult, its always nice though to have a support system to fall back on. Usually for some people having a friend who has enough tough love to make you do something can help, other times maybe its just a sign you need to have a you day. Pleasure can come and go but as long as it returns in a timely manner I'm sure things will work out!



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