
Drivers & Passengers

 I personally think the reason we think like "victims" within this country is the reinforcement we receive in school. We are punished if we don't do well, and so we learn that if we admit our mistake, we are given less leniency than if we are to admit there was an excuse behind it. All through education, there is the common theme that if you explain there is an underlying issue that prevented you from making an error rather than owning up to it, people in America are more likely to cut you some slack and even maybe give you a chance, and this example doesn't just carry on from education, it carries on to the real world. We act on this and since there is no change, we mimic these actions and thus so far we have developed a "victim" mindset as a whole country. A person who assumes responsibility are usually the first to admit, they usually have the ability to come forth even when no one else has and admit, but they are also much more confident in my opinion. S

Opportunity Statue

 1. For me, when I have nothing scheduled to do that I'm obligated to do, it is extremely difficult for me to get out of bed and start my day, so a lot of my time wasted can be contributed to lack of motivation and the comfort of my bed. Even despite when I have stuff to do, I get off track when I have to do an assignment I do not particularly enjoy, and so really it comes down to a lack of motivation overall. 2. I personally missed an opportunity to go to Chicago because of personal circumstances where I had a situation where I needed a permission form signed, but I was not able to get a signature in time to get a spot for the trip. I felt extremely bummed out about it and felt I could've gained huge insight to both the travel aspect and the conference I would have attended. In the future, I of course do not need any permission slips now so I will be set when it comes to needing permission to go on trips, however now I also am working on pursuing professors who are in the spec

Emotional Fuel

 For me, I grew up in a very abusive household so a healthy family has always been an unclear vision. When I began to grow close to my best friend her family, they would comfort me and remind me that I deserve so much more than I grew up being given and they reminded me that it wasn't all in my mind, that everything I had gone through was valid and was indeed, abuse. This group of people filled my heart and made me feel fuel, made me feel loved and appreciated and gave me hope for the future. This happened approximately 3 years ago and still to this day, they give me the emotional fuel I need to keep pushing for the future they opened my eyes too. I had always been optimistic, but since meeting them and connecting with them like that, they have constantly been the reminder that even if life is crappy in the moment, it grows to be so much better if you push as towards the future you would like. As leaders, we need accountability and support, because without accountability, we will n

Thermostat or Thermometer

 1. In Model the Way, we are told to find our values and live by them and to help others find their values and live by them. In the text, we are told to be a thermostat, to be someone who has values that guide them. The text strongly relates to modeling the way as as leaders, we must work to identify our own personal values, or what "temperature" we want to be, for a metaphor. As leaders in the making, we should work to identify our core values and state those and let them guide our decisions. 2. There is a gap between what we say and what we do because people, as the text stated, follow the mood of the culture or society they are in. If a person holds a belief that religion is important, but are surrounded by those who believe religion is pointless, they are likely to want to fit in and thus are tempted to throw their value aside. As a leader, you should avoid being a hypocrite, because if you switch your values based on those around you, you are being someone who follows, n

Blog - A Picture is Worth 15 Answers

  Hey guys! Here is the link to my presentation for our first EL blog! Blog #1